The Decline

It goes without saying that time will tell, but this is encouraging to some degree: Recent news: Is religion in Japan in irreversible decline? Among U.S. Latinos, Catholicism Continues to Decline but Is Still the Largest Faith From 2019/20: In U.S., Decline of Christianity Continues at Rapid Pace Giving Up…

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Fundamentalist Brain Damage

Religion is dumb, but not all religious people are dumb, but perhaps some have damaged brains. It’s not like some atheists don’t have a problem with cognitive flexibility, but theists put themselves in a different worldview with opaque walled borders that are hard to escape and penetrate. According to Dr.…

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How Many Atheists Are There?

Not that numbers matter, but its nice to see a rise in the number of people willing to claim they are atheists or non-theists. The decline in church attendance is also encouraging. How many atheists are there? Gallup poll on religion: here Pew on religion: here In 2013, the accuracy…

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Religion’s Death Toll

James A. Haught [This article was first published in 1990.  For that reason, neither the ongoing carnage in the middle east nor terrorist attacks in the past 25+ years are mentioned.] Ronald Reagan often called religion the world’s mightiest force for good, “the bedrock of moral order.” George Bush said…

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Proof of…

While I like some of what Richard Carrier has written, I have to say I am a little disturbed by his attempts to use Bayes Theorem with history. R. Joseph Hoffmann has a nice synopsis of the issues with Carrier’s logic, or the lack of it, here.

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